Emergency Assistance – Broken Peugeot Car-Key Repair in Southsea

Master Auto Locksmith received a call from a customer who was unable to use her Peugeot, because the key fob had fallen apart in her hand as she attempted to start the vehicle. She asked if we could provide a new key. Master Auto Locksmith visited the customer’s address and provided immediate assistance. The plastic car-key case had broken apart, and the internal components of the key had spilled out onto the floor of her Peugeot. The customer, to her credit, had attempted to repair the key with cellotape, but this wasn’t strong enough to bond the components together.

Broken Car Key Remote Case Repairs

Broken Peugeot car-key, with a broken flip blade and broken case. These can be repaired.

The customer called Master Auto Locksmith for a replacement Peugeot car key to be cut and programmed into the vehicle, but since she had the foresight to gather all of the components of the broken Peugeot car key together, we attempted a repair on her car key in order to save money.

Master Auto Locksmith carry stock for the most common car-key breakages, and we had the components in stock for this particular Peugeot broken car key.

The flip blade mechanism had broken on the key and the plastic case had broken in two and fallen apart. The key was heavily used, so we tested the circuit board and transponder for operation. Most of the internal components were in good working order, the transponder was producing a signal and the circuit board was fine. The key was rebuilt with replacement components, a fresh key blade was cut, the original circuit board and transponder were swapped over to the new case and blade, and the Peugeot car key repair was successful – much to the approval of the customer.

broken peugeot car key repair

This Peugeot car key had fallen apart and was rebuilt with new components into a fully working key

Contact us for your broken car key repairs